Nuffy Nuffy

❤ The Only Me ❤

Never Say Never =)
Be The one you want to be
Laugh as loud as you can
smile as much as you can
Tomorrow will always be better :)


B.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l T.r.a.n.s.f.o.r.m.a.t.i.o.n

好久没有来部落格写自己的心情了. ;)
不知不觉, 来英国已经快80 天. 
这80天, 感觉上像是上了一堂宝贵的课. 

越长大才发现, 原来不是每一个人都值得你去交心. 
至少, 以前某人说的一句话灵验了.
大部分的人接近你都是有企图的. 有些是好的, 有些是坏的. 
大人的世界, 我一步一步的踏进去, 可惜却发觉我还是不习惯那种虚伪讨好的角色. 
偶尔, 我还是习惯了直肠直肚. 把我觉得对的说出来. 
可是, 很多时候我却开始变成了那个我以前最讨厌的那种人. 
我以为我可以善良, 可是原来善良在这个世界上的另一个词语就是懦弱. 
不过我始终相信, 人善人欺天不欺! 
还是那一句话, 做好自己就好. 别人怎么样别理. 

有点不愉快的是. 有人觉得我好像来英国是玩儿而已没有读书. 
如人饮水, 冷暖自知. 难道我读书赶报告的时候也要自拍给你看吗? 
我问心无愧, 对得起自己对得起父母就好. 
现在派了两科的成绩, 我很开心的拿了High Distinction. :) 
在skype向父母报告后, 他们脸上欣慰的表情s, 是我继续努力的动力. 
还是那一句, 我知道我自己有努力就好.  =)

话说, 最近认识了一位很有风度的男生. 
他的风度让我想起了很多中学的回忆. 中华男生的风度. 
那种就算他喜欢的不是你, 却也是风度翩翩的样子. =) 

因为小事而感动. 因为感动而快乐一整天. 

最近都在听阿杰伦哥的歌 和 陈奕迅的歌. 
不是emo, 而是真的觉得时间感觉越来越快.
算了。像陈奕迅说的: 想哭就要笑, 你知道烦恼恼会解决烦恼. 

还有一首很lam 的歌. 
Westlife - Beautiful In White <3

Not sure if you know this
But when we first met
I got so nervous I couldn't speak
In that very moment I found the one
And my life had found its missing piece

So as long as I live I love you
Will heaven hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now to my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white, tonight

What we have is timeless
My love is endless
And with this scream I say to the world
You're my every reason you're all
That I believe in with all my heart
I mean every world

So as long as I live I love you
Will heaven hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now to my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white, tonight

Ooh, oh
You look so beautiful in white

Na, na, na, na

So beautiful in white, tonight

And if our daughter's what our future holds
I hope she has your eyes
Finds love like you and I did
Yeah, I wish she falls in love and I will let her go
I'll walk her down the aisle
She'll look so beautiful in white

You look so beautiful in white

So as long as I live I love you
Will heaven hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now to my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white, tonight

You look so beautiful in white, tonight

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